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ITH59 Rimini
Rimini - Riccione | Il filobus dele vacanze - the traditional line

Rimini - Riccione | Il filobus dele vacanze - the traditional line

[Reportage, Reisebericht]
von AIM

This about 14km long line operates every 18 minutes with a running time of 46 minutes 7 days a week. The operation is done by 3 trolleybuses and 3 motorbusses between Rimini via Dante (near FS station)and Riccione Terme working between...

Rimini - Riccione; Il filobus dele vacanze - the traditional line

"Il filobus delle vacanze" the "holiday`s trolleybus", known by many Italians and foreign tourists, is the interurban trolleybus line No.11 between Rimini and Riccione along the coast. This about 14km long line operates every 18 minutes with a running time of 46 minutes 7 days a week.

The operation is done by 3 trolleybuses and 3 motorbusses between Rimini via Dante (near FS station)and Riccione Terme working between 5am. and 2am.

All trolleybus stops are numbered - helping the holiday guests to orientate; seen on the span wire and inside the trolleybuses. All trolleybus stops are numbered - helping the holiday guests to orientate; seen on the span wire and inside the trolleybuses. A sign on a tree shows the trolleybus drivers to repole tot he overhead on the way from Rimini to Riccione.

Opened on 1. July 1939 the interurban trolleybus worked between Piazza Tre Martiri in the city of Rimini and Riccione center during its heyday every 5 minutes. In the 1970s the Rimini - Riccione line was the first in Italy with modern, new generation trolleybuses. In 1998 the section between Piazza Tre Martiri and Via Dante was withdrawn because of a pedestrian zone. In 2001 a new link was built between Riccione Piazza le Curiel and Riccione Terme (about 1,3 km).

Trolleybus 36502 (VanHool/Kiepe; 2009) is reaching the old Riccione terminus , still wired for short workings. Trolleybus 36506 (VanHool/Kiepe; 2011) is passing the port of Riccione.

Since 2010/11 six VanHool/Kiepe AG330T ( 36501- 506) serve line 11. Because of the rebuilding of the station square in Rimini trolleybuses work in the electric mode between stop No. 7 Grattacielo and Riccione Terme. Between Rimini via Dante and Grattacielo trolleybuses use the diesel auxiliary drive.

Trolleybus 36503 (VanHool/Kiepe; 2009) at Rimini Marina Centro. Trolleybus 36503 (Van Hool/Kiepe; 2009) this time on short working line 11/ - only to Rimini FS - near "Fontana die quattro cavalli marini" at Rimini Marina. Trolleybus 36506 (VanHool/Kiepe; 2011) is about to start it`s interurban run from Riccione Terme to Rimini Centro.

The trolleybuses on traditional line 11 are well used and offer a quick and smooth service, helping yearly thousends of holidaymakers to reach the famous beaches of Rimini and Riccione.

At a minibus garage near motorbus lines 4 and 10, stop Coletti-Sforza, there are still standing three Mauri-Volvo-Ansaldo trolleybuses (1014/1015 and 1016) from 1978, beeing the first italian generation of 3rd generation of modern trolleybuses operating up to 2009 - here 1014; trolleybus 1017 of the same serie is preserved by private enthusiasts.

Photos: Gunter Mackinger 6.-12.June 2022

Rimini video, 3 Settembre 2009

Rimini - trolejbusy (trolleybuses), Van Hool AG300T, START Romagna